The Loss of an Art

I’ve been kicking a can in my brain for awhile and I believe it was confirmed when I read a post by Anything Goes For the longest time I wanted to explore writing and be a write and be an editor [that was my first pick before the recession] and just wanted to be in love with it.

That is no longer the case. I do not consider myself a “Writer” anymore, it is not a large part of my identity, it is not something I bind myself to anymore.  It essentially has served its purpose.

I’m creative in so many other ways, it is hard to just stick to one. I don’t want to do a newsletter anymore, because I am NOT a writer anymore. I am NOT an editor. I still am a thinker, but I’m more of a DOER! I still am every bit of a dreamer.

This all doesn’t mean I will not write. I have written some beautiful things in the past year when I’ve had the inspiration. But it is not something I aspire to do. I will not take for granted inspiration when it strikes, but I am just so pulled and focused on moving forward that I need to let something go.

There will always be a thread of writing and wordsmithing in me, but It will be for me and by me/. If i let you look and peek at it, it will be more special than ever, because some things I don’t want the world to know. There are a lot of things I don’t want the world to know, because then they’ll just criticize it.

For now I’ll keep my pen at rest until something extraordinary happens.

This blog doesn’t count :p It is more of a thought process than story telling.

1 Response so far »

  1. 1

    sophie king said,

    I’m glad that my post managed to settle that in your mind for you. And whilst I’ll always write something too, that original article that I read was a bit of a reality slap. In today’s world nobody can be like William Wordsworth who just decided that he should be a writer and did nothing else for the rest of life, sometimes not writing a single thing for several years.

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