Posts tagged convention

Encounter # 4 I’d Like to Play You the Song of my People

Like Ron White said once, “I’ve told you that story so I can tell you this story.” I am referring to Reewind #2. You see I was invited to go to another convention with Bob this weekend. I’ll have to say it was the most fun I’ve had all year.

I stayed at Bob’s apartment across the state where this convention was taking place. This con was smaller and more focused then the other one I went to this summer. The focus of this con was role playing and table top games. In preparation for the stories that we were going to encounter, Bob and I watched an awesomely bad movie, The Last Lovecraft: Relic of Cthulhu.


We then watched Dungeons and Dragons: Wrath of a Dragon God. However, we didn’t pay too much attention to this one because we had a lot of catching up to do. I had not seen nor talked to him since that June so we talked through the whole thing. We went to bed ungodly late.

In the morning our day of geekiness had begun! We grabbed something to eat and headed straight for the convention.  I wore my standard uniform for conventions [at least the first day] and was very excited! I was hoping to meet someone other than myself that played my MMORPG but unfortunately I met no one there the entire day. Shucks.

I was introduced to a couple of Bob’s gaming partners but they had their own schedules. I was not sure what tables to go to with which games, so I stuck with Bob the entire day. Since it was my first time at this convention, I was still a bit timid. I would rather be told what to do the first time so that way I could observe, and then the next time I would avidly participate!

We played a really fun game called Untold in the afternoon. Untold is a RPG based off of cards and involves really creative characters. I was a robot and Bob was some sort of animal with magic powers. Our GM or Game Master, the person hosting the game, found our adventure quite entertaining as we defeated spider people and blew up a wrecked ship Capitan Kirk style.

RPGs to me are like “create your own” video games. Plus I get to use all this imagination built up into a story. I love story telling. I forgot how much I enjoyed doing this!  But it wasn’t like I was not a part of an RPG over 3 years…

I was part of a really fun concept game called Scion, where we were sons and daughters of gods and goddesses and had to prevent the mythological Titans from taking over the world in some form or another. It took place in present day so we had cars and guns as well as special items from the centuries.  I was the daughter of Rhiannon, the Celtic horse goddess, and an animal psychic. I really enjoyed being this character.

But I hated the game. I really had trouble with my roleplaying group. My personality did not mix well with the chaotic, loud, and sometimes rude players. Of course I was the only girl, which as girl geeks know can be quite hard to deal with. It did not help that several members were socially missing the boat and I could never quite get my idea or turn out without being interrupted. I wish there was some sort of courtesy rule.

But because of this I stopped playing with my husband and his acquaintances. I just couldn’t handle it, but I also stopped having a regular thing to talk to my husband about.

Back to the present, I had forgotten how much imagination I truly had. It felt really natural to be doing this, and I realized that I now had a way to meet people again. Maybe I’ll get in with a current RPG group. At least my mom would like the fact I was out of the house.

That evening, we were lucky to get the last two spots in a very popular role playing game Call of Cthulhu. I had never played it before but I had done some board gaming with the Arkham concept. Arkham Horror a mini RPG/Board game that can take up to 8 hours to finish. Geekdom is not for the weary.

The main organizer of the convention was our GM, which meant it was going to be awesome! A bad GM can make or break a game, so we knew we were in capable hands. Besides Bob and me, there were 4 others, even another girl! However there was only one pre-constructed character that was a girl. For times sake I just played a Navy officer.

I did not like my character at all. His stats were so strange and he did not have many skills.

It also did not help I rolled so badly! Most games are played with a set of different shaped dice. These dice are called D20s, D8s, etc. The D stands for dimension. You have to get certain numbers for certain things to happen. Roll too high or too low you fail and you have to figure out what to do next.

My character was useless and got beat up so much. I ended up shooting some zombies effectively but that’s about it.

The whole game, which had a horror theme, was so hilarious! Imagine Looney Tunes meets a horror movie. We kept messing up all our numbers, by random chance mind you, so it became a comical tale of misfits and how they got beat up by cowboy hat wearing drug addicts while a businessman summoned an Elder God.

Oh and sandwiches. The setting was 1920s America, so there were lots of sexist jokes about sandwiches. As a guy character I could have joined in, but I decided against it.

After 5 hours of gaming, Bob and I went to Taco Bell and then watched a stand up comedy special. This was such an amazing weekend! I got a chain mail bracelet (In case someone wields a sword my wrist is protected) a new set of dice, and a D20 magnet for my car. Yes, the world needs to know about my hobbies.

It felt so good hanging out and being among people I had something in common with. Most of the time I feel like a stranger in a strange land. I doubt many people I come into contact with have these hobbies and if they do they do not advertise them.  Why do people feel like they have to hide?  I am open about all these things I do, and many of them seem childish to most people. Considering most of the people I met were a lot older than me and having fun, I am not worried about it.

So come, let me play you the song of my people. It sounds like whatever your imagination can create.    And dubstep. Can’t forget dubstep.

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Reewind #2 My First Geek Convention June 2011

My Favorite Gaming T Shirt

So my husband became heavily into Star Trek before we were married, to the point of joining the international fan club and going to monthly meetings. I didn’t mind this habit because it was similar to my own online and console gaming addiction. However, it was pretty much mandatory for him to go to this huge science fiction/gaming/anime convention and as a new wife I went along.

We stayed in the hotel where the con was had but my husband forgot who he was married to. If I have never been somewhere before, I get all antsy and worried because I don’t know the rules. What am I supposed to do there? Where am I supposed to go? What am I supposed to wear? Who am I supposed to talk to?

I was thrown to the wolves as all questions went unanswered.

“Oh you’ll be fine. It’s just some Star Trek people, and there will be parties and drinking and it will be fun! You’ll see.”

Parties you say? Drinking you say?

Crap. Here I was at the height of my aversion to people stage, and I would be required to go to parties with crazed Star Trek fans and there would be drinking. This was going to be my personal hell.
I have friends that go to cons, get all dressed up as their favorite characters and have a ball. I feel quite insecure in costumes, there was a lack of money for many of the basic types, and so I stuck with my cargo pants and a special T-Shirt from my favorite online MMORPG. [That stands for Mighty Morphin’ Orangutan… Oh wait not that one—Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game.]

I don’t remember what my husband wore. I was too focused on me being socially acceptable.

The friends we went with wore preplanned outfits of the Steampunk variety. [Think about the Victorian Ages meets technology.]  They looked amazing while I looked like I had rolled out of bed that morning. Frankly, that’s been the dress code I’ve known for gamers my entire life.

When we got there it was fine for awhile. There were exhibits and speakers, and slutty girls wearing skimpy costumes and nerdy guys gawking at them [including my husband].  There were workshops and screenings. There was even a whole room for tabletop gaming! That’s where your Dungeons & Dragons are, along with nontraditional board games like Settlers of Catan.

I wanted to go in that room and participate so badly! There was a sign up sheet and everything. But I knew I would not see my husband and I had gone there with him. Wasn’t I supposed to stay by his side and do what he was doing? Would I be able to leave him unsupervised?

But then I had a savior.  A friend of mine [from here on out known as Bob] that my hubby and I had known since college was at that convention too!  Once I found him he hung out with all of us, kind of awkwardly, but that was to be expected as our other friends were not real keen on having someone else around. I was just so glad he was there!

I was waiting for him outside one event and this guy came up next to me and started talking to me. My MMORPG T-shirt had a catchy saying on it “Level 99 Party Animal.” There is a particular significance in my game of a Level 99 Party, but I never thought that that saying might have had another meaning.  Instead of “Hey, How are you doing?” the conversation went like this.

“So, Level 99 Party Animal huh?”

“So, do you get special abilities, like drinking as much as you can?”
”Nope, it’s when you get level 99 in a particular skill and people have a party for you!”

“Oh I see.”

My brain went full fledged female at this point. I brushed my hair back highlighting my sparkly wedding rings, saying that I should go find my friend. He was too adorable for me to be seen with.

My husband did not go to any events with me the rest of the day. It was just me alone or my friend and I. We saw each other for dinner. That night everyone had a choice of going to Klingon Karaoke, where all the songs are in Klingon, or a comedy show with nerdy comics. I love stand up comedy, so I gladly went to the comedy show. My hubby, of course, chose karaoke.

Wouldn’t you know it the guy that tried that smooth pick up line was one of the main comics! He looked at me and commented twice, involving me in his jokes. I felt very awkward because I was married and I thought maybe he was flirting, but I was not sure.

In retrospect, I really should have talked with him. But that’s coming from the kind-of-single-lady I am now.

Bob left and I just headed back to the room to play my MMORPG. I wasn’t sure what else to do and that’s what I enjoyed.

Awkwardness level 9/10

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